Assistant Manager – Security

ELCITA is looking for an Assistant Manager – Security

Electronics City Industrial Township Authority (ELCITA) is looking for an “Assistant Manager –Security”. The scope of work includes Township Security, Traffic Control, and Physical...

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ELCITA Sustainability Awards 2023 -24 – Application Form

Sustainability award- Extension letter Introduction: The ELCITA Sustainability Awards aim to recognize and celebrate the outstanding sustainability efforts of member companies in...

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elcita-infhra awards

ELCITA awarded iNFHRA Awards 2023-2024

ELCITA is thrilled to share the news that we have secured two esteemed awards in the categories of Best Project corporate (IT Park) and Innovation and Technology (IT Park) for the year...

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ELCITA Goes Green for employees

ELCITA’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond just words. On Independence Day, we took a step towards promoting eco-friendly transportation by providing cycles to our...

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Increase in Free shuttle trips

It has been a year since, the resumption of ELCITA’s free intra-ECity shuttle service after the pandemic. Owing to the popularity of this service, it has been decided to...

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Deccan Herald features ELCITA

ELCITA, is a model of efficient public-private partnership that fosters the growth and development of the electronics industry in Bengaluru. ELCITA administers the needs of over 150...

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ELCITA Featured in Bangalore Mirror

ELCITA is proud to announce that we have been featured in the Bangalore Mirror column for our innovative Sub Surface Utility Engineering (SUE) survey. This survey, powered by advanced...

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